Don’t Get Sued: 3 Blog Legal Pages For Beginners

by Theja Pk
persons sitting around a table with papers and gavel on it showing the importance of having proper blog legal pages

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Last updated on November 20th, 2024

Are you feeling overwhelmed about setting up legal pages for your blog? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

As a new blogger, it is crucial to ensure that your website is compliant with online legal requirements to help you avoid future problems.

In this blog post, we’ll cover:

  • The key legal pages your website needs
  • Why each of these pages matters
  • Where to find easy-to-use, customizable templates

So, keep on reading to get your blog up and running smoothly in no time!

Disclaimer: Please note that while I strive to provide you with accurate information, I am not a lawyer. The advice in this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional legal advice. Always consult with a certified lawyer for any legal issues you may be facing.

In short, securing your blog is the best way to avoid any costly legal headaches down the line.

Here are 5 reasons why legal pages are important for your blog:

  1. Protect your content and brand – copyright notices prevent others from stealing your work and secure it under intellectual property rights. And disclaimers limit your liability if someone misuses information from your site.
  2. Build trust with readers – privacy policies show you respect their data. And terms & conditions set clear rules so visitors know what’s expected.
  3. It may be legally required – many places have laws requiring websites to post certain notices and disclosures to operate legally.
  4. They look professional – having standard legal pages makes your blog appear legitimate and established.
  5. Allow for monetization opportunities – many ad networks and affiliate programs require blogs to have disclaimers, terms & conditions, etc., before partnering.

By setting up the proper blog legal pages, you not only protect yourself but also communicate to your readers and partners that you’re a committed and responsible blogger.

For more blogging resources and tools to make your online journey a bit easier – check out the resources page.

While there are many optional legal pages you can add based on your niche and services, every blog must have 3 basic pages to ensure your blog is legally protected:

1. Privacy Policy

A privacy policy outlines how you collect, use, and protect your visitors’ personal information.

Even if you believe you don’t intentionally collect information, you likely do.

Here are some examples of personal information you may collect:

  • name and email address (comment section, contact forms)
  • payment and shipping details (selling products and services)
  • website cookies
  • user behavior (Google Analytics)

If you’ve shared your personal information with someone else, wouldn’t you want to know how they plan to use that information and who they might share it with? That’s precisely what a privacy policy explains.

The privacy policy also covers topics like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance, which protects consumers in the European Union.

Do I need to worry about GDPR if I’m not in the EU?

The answer is yes.

If your audience lives in the EU, you must follow this law regardless of where you are. You can find out where your viewership is coming from by looking at your Google Analytics dashboard.

Similarly, California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) compliance, California’s equivalent to GDPR, is required if you have readers in California. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you’re physically located in California or not.

For more information on global privacy laws that may affect you, check out this resource.

2. Disclaimer

A blog disclaimer is a statement that advises readers to use your content at their own risk. This helps to reduce your legal liability if anything happens.

A disclaimer page usually communicates that:

  • your content is informational, not professional advice (with health, finance, or legal advice) – you can see an example of this at the beginning of this blog post
  • the information might not always be accurate or up-to-date
  • If your blog features content from others, a disclaimer states you’re not liable for their views.
  • If your blog covers sensitive topics, a disclaimer can alert readers about potentially disturbing content.
  • If your blog shares information about risky activities, a disclaimer advises readers to be cautious and not hold you responsible for any harm.
  • disclosures about paid links, sponsored content, or advertisements for FTC compliance

A blog’s disclaimer clarifies what the blog is about and what it is not.

It sets expectations for readers, letting them know the boundaries and limitations of the content they’ll find.

Disclosures vs. Disclaimers

Despite being used interchangeably, disclosures and disclaimers are not the same.

DISCLAIMERS limit your liability related to the content you publish and share.

DISCLOSURES are used to inform your audience about possible bias due to affiliations with outside parties.

But if you think you need two separate pages for each, you don’t. You can grab the Starter Legal Bundle like I did, and the disclosures will be included in the disclaimer template at no extra charge!

3. Terms and Conditions

This page establishes the ground rules for your website. It helps visitors understand what they can and cannot do, acting as a form of contract between you and your users.

Here are a few instances when you’ll be glad you have it:

  • When a user shares your content without asking or giving credit
  • If someone decides to take legal action against you
  • when a customer asks for a refund three months after buying
  • If a user is harassing others on your platform, you can terminate their access.

It’s important to remember that while these scenarios might seem unlikely, they do happen, and having a well-thought-out Terms and Conditions page can save you a lot of trouble down the line.

When I first launched my blog in December 2022, the legal aspects felt overwhelming to me.

So naturally, I hit up Google (as we all do, right?) and stumbled upon a fellow blogger who suggested these neat, customizable legal templates.

You just plug in your details, and you’ve got ready-to-go legal pages for your blog in no time. And I was glad to see that they were written by a lawyer who not only knows her stuff but is also a fellow blogger.

So, if you’re looking for a simple and affordable solution to adding those essential legal pages to your blog, check out Amira’s comprehensive legal template bundle. I think you’ll love it as much as I do!


Your Next Steps


Grab the legal template bundle so you can sleep peacefully knowing your blog is protected. There are a lot of overwhelming issues when it comes to setting up your blog. The legal side doesn’t have to be one of them.

While you’re getting your blog started, here are some harsh truths you should know about your first year of blogging.

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Real Estate Lawyer October 30, 2024 - 7:42 pm

This is amazing. TY!!

Theja Pk October 31, 2024 - 1:21 am

You’re welcome! 🙂


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