Fall in Love with Yours Truly: Reviewing Abby Jimenez’s Novel

by Theja Pk
iPhone showing yours truly by abby jimenez laying on top of open book

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Last updated on April 4th, 2024

In this review, we’ll take a look at one of my favorite authors, Abby Jimenez, and her latest book – Yours Truly.

This novel is the second installment in the Part of Your World series and details the romance between Brianna Ortiz, Alexis’ best friend from book 1, and Jacob Maddox, a fellow ER doctor who might just be the sweetest human being you’ll ever meet.

I absolutely adored its prequel, and I didn’t think Jimenez could top it, but she knocks it out of the park again with this Grey’s Anatomy-like story.

With humor, heart, and unflinching honesty, she weaves an inspiring and moving tale about loving someone just as they are, flaws and all.

Yours Truly – Abby Jimenez

5 out of 5
illustrated book cover of Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez, featuring the couple sitting around the book title

GENRE: Contemporary Romance
PUB DATE: April 11, 2023
TROPE: Fake dating, friends to lovers, workplace romance
TWs: social anxiety, chronic illness, organ donation, depression, mention of miscarriage & suicide

With humor, heart, and unflinching honesty, Jimenez weaves an inspiring and moving tale about loving someone just as they are, flaws and all.

5 out of 5
5 out of 5
5 out of 5
Overall Enjoyment
5 out of 5
5 out of 5
Table of contents


Dr. Briana Ortiz’s life is seriously flatlining. Her divorce is just about finalized, her brother’s running out of time to find a kidney donor, and that promotion she wants? Oh, that’s probably going to the new man-doctor who’s already registering eighty-friggin-seven on Briana’s “pain in my ass” scale.

But just when all systems are set to hate, Dr. Jacob Maddox completely flips the game . . . by sending Briana a letter.

And it’s a really good letter. Like the kind that proves that Jacob isn’t actually Satan. Worse, he might be this fantastically funny and subversively likable guy who’s terrible at first impressions.

Because suddenly he and Bri are exchanging letters, sharing lunch dates in her “sob closet,” and discussing the merits of freakishly tiny horses.

But when Jacob decides to give Briana the best gift imaginable—a kidney for her brother—she wonders just how she can resist this quietly sexy new doctor…especially when he calls in a favor she can’t refuse.


Genuine and relatable characters are a staple in Abby Jimenez’s books. With Brianna and Jacob, we are introduced to two imperfect individuals who treat each other with such tenderness that it’s no surprise that their friendship blossoms into something more.

Both of them have insecurities that drive the story forward well, but my favorite aspect of their relationship was the small, intimate gestures that they shared with each other.


Why did he have to be so sweet and thoughtful? I blame romance novels for my unrealistic expectations of men. He rescues injured dogs, sutures broken dolls to soothe children, and donates kidneys anonymously.

His heart of gold is what made me feel for him when I read about his struggles with social anxiety. 

We’re all a little broken, Briana. We are a mosaic. We’re made up of all those we’ve met and all the things we’ve been through. There are parts of us that are colorful and dark and jagged and beautiful. And I love every piece of you. Even the ones you wish didn’t exist.

Jimenez penned such a realistic portrayal of what it feels like to struggle with social anxiety. Even if you don’t personally know anyone with this issue, you will still find yourself relating to Jacob in some way.

I saw myself in his shoes so many times with the constant rumination of thoughts and watching the same TV shows over and over again for comfort. Reading about his struggles made me feel validated and seen.


She’s smart, witty, and one of the most likable female MCs I’ve encountered. I adored her relationship with her brother, who suffered from chronic kidney disease. Anyone who has ever cared for a sick loved one and felt helpless during this time can find pieces of themselves in Brianna Ortiz.

“Because when you have people who love you, they hurt along with you.”

Her insecurities and struggles were easily relatable, and even though there were moments when I wanted to shake some sense into her, I was already in love with her character that I didn’t mind the angsty slow burn that much.

Side Characters

From quirky family members to feisty hospital co-workers, the side characters in Yours Truly added great humor and dimension to the main story.

One of my favorite characters was JACOB’S GRUMPY GRANDFATHER, who demands cigarettes from everyone he meets, knowing damn well he can’t have them (he moves around in a wheelchair attached to an oxygen cylinder). 

LIEUTENANT DAN is an excellent addition for fellow dog lovers, and I like that Jimenez extends her characters’ quirkiness to her animals. It was also really nice to get glimpses of Alexis and Daniel and see how their story has progressed since the previous book.


The author balances lighthearted romance with heavier issues such as organ donation, social anxiety, and chronic illness.

Her personal connections to these issues, which she highlights in the author’s note, really bring the book to life and make it even more relevant and poignant.

Despite being a slow burn, their progression from friends to lovers feels organic and genuine. Usually, I’m not too fond of miscommunication in stories, but it was well done in this case.


The author uses letters as a catalyst to grow the initial friendship, and they are a great addition to the story. It felt like an older, classical take in a modern world. Reading it felt very nostalgic to me and reminded me of simpler times. 

The author’s note at the end is a must-read. I was surprised to learn how much of this story was based on her own life, and it was genuinely heart-wrenching to read about it.

But she also uses this platform to shed light on important issues like organ donation, which is commendable.


Zachary Webber is one of my favorite audible narrators. After hearing his voice for Daniel in Part Of Your World, I was excited to dive into another book by him. The way he conveyed Jacob’s emotions and gentleness was perfect and really made me adore the character even more.

Kyla Garcia’s voice for Brianna was also spot-on and exactly how I imagined her to sound.

Best Quotes

  • We’re all a little broken, Briana. We are a mosaic. We’re made up of all those we’ve met and all the things we’ve been through. There are parts of us that are colorful and dark and jagged and beautiful. And I love every piece of you. Even the ones you wish didn’t exist.
  • Love shows up. That’s how you know when it’s real.
  • Because when you have people who love you, they hurt along with you.
  • The truest sacrifices are the ones no one knows anything about.


Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez contains all the humor and heart you could ever want in a romance book. It’s a charming story of a quiet, tender love blossoming into something wonderful and emotionally fulfilling.

I strongly recommend this book to anyone who loves an inspiring and cozy read that will leave you feeling comforted and content. This is one of my favorite reads of 2023.

For more great stories from Abby Jimenez, check out this guide that goes into details of her work, both published and upcoming releases.

Enjoyed this review? Then be sure to add ‘Yours Truly’ to your TBR. And if you have already read this book and have some thoughts to share, drop them in the comments below. I would love to hear them!


Is Yours Truly worth reading?

Yes! It’s one of my fav reads of 2023. Give it a try if you like friends to lovers, Grey’s Anatomy vibes, and emotional stories with authentic characters.

What are the trigger warnings for Yours Truly?

Chronic kidney disease, divorced main character whose ex-husband cheated, depression, clinical anxiety, and mention of pregnancy loss and suicide.

Is Yours Truly spicy?

Jimenez’s books are on the milder end of the spice spectrum. They’re not completely fade to black, but I would still recommend it to fans of closed-door romances.

Does Yours Truly have a happy ending?

It definitely does! No spoilers here.

Do I need to Part of Your World before Yours Truly?

Nope. I read them out of order and it didn’t ruin anything for me. As a matter of fact, I loved this world so much that I immediately read book 1 after this.

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